7 Nov 2008

Consumption Supplements often as I can Kidney Stone

No one if you consume supplements or foods and beverages that contain high doses of Vitamin C. No one because the food is useful to the body. The problem is, if too often, you can contract the disease kidney stones. Diseases that can make this one activity and decreased quality of your life.

Kidney function as a filter to clean the blood / other liquids that chemicals contained in the blood or body fluids are not circulating throughout the body. The sewage will be filtered through the kidney with urine. However, because not all dirt brought by the urine, the remaining dirt will settle. If the sediment is not removed, the sediment will settle in the kidney or bladder to move. Sediment can produce crystals. Crystal will hamper the channel urine (uriner calculus), bleeding, urine flow stoppage and even infection.

The formation of stones can occur because the urine of water saturated with salt-salt, which can form stones or urine because of water shortages establishment of the stone barricade that is normal. About 80 percent of calcium stones. The rest contains various materials, including acid fiber, minerals sistin and struvit.

Factors Causing

The main factor emergence of kidney stone disease is the pattern of life that is not healthy. "In adolescence we sometimes maximize growth, bone health drink to drink or even bervitamin high C to keep fit. Even if done too often will result in infection and kidney stone removal," the light of Maftahul Nature of the RS Family Partners, Kelapa Gading , North Jakarta. Susceptible to the disease is teenagers to adults (age 20-45 years).

In addition to food or drink supplements, the causes of which are food acids that can cause nerves, viscera only a cow, goat, and others. This food contains enzymes that can cause sediment in the kidney. The other factor is the strict diet. In general, the strict diet so slim. The problem, such as the strict diet can cause crystals in the kidney. Less drinking and holding urine may also become the trigger kidney stones.


Symptoms of kidney stones, among others, felt pain in the waist-weary and weary. Sometimes this disease does not cause complaints. Pain will arise if damage batu brought to the network or channel urine to menyumbatnya. Stone in the kidney, especially the small, can not cause symptoms. Pain caused by kidney stones feels different depending on the location of the stone. If the stone is still clog ureter, pelvis renalis, and tubulus renalis can cause back pain or kolik renalis (kolik great pain). However, in general, the symptoms are nausea and vomiting, stomach bubble, fever, headache, and blood in the urine in the water. People may become berkemih often, especially when the stone passes the ureter.

According to dr Nature, kolik renalis marked by intense pain in the missing-emerging in the region between the rib and pelvis, which propagates to the abdomen, genitalia area, and in the thigh. Stone can cause infection urine. If the stones clog the flow of urine, bacteria will be trapped in the water in urine, so there enfeksi. Struvit stone (a mixture of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate) also called "stone of infection" because this is only a stone formed in the urine of infected water.

Stone is still small and the only channel in the urine is usually not too dangerous. Will be dangerous if the stone is limited and clog ureter. When the stone is quite big and stuff, sumbatan can hold urine. If not treated immediately, swelling can occur in the kidney that will cause pain that highly. When to severe, people can be vomiting.

The size of the stone varies, from the start that can not be seen with the naked eye until that is 2.5 cm or more. The large stone called "staghorn calculus." Stone can fill almost the entire pelvis renalis and kalises renalis. If the stoppage is prolonged, water, urine will flow back to the channel in the kidney. If so, the emphasis will menggelembungkan kidney (hidronefrosis) and can further damage the kidney.


Previously, the operation is the only way to remove the stones. Drinking lots of water and medicine, both traditional and medical, not quite. Operation is still the best way to remove the kidney stone plug. But now is different. Operations carried out only if it meets the stone wall and kidney can not be applied in other ways.

At this time, the treatment depends on the location of the stone wedge. Small stones that do not cause symptoms, menyumbatan or infection, usually do not need treatment. Only drink with a lot of liquids to improve the formation of urine water. If the stone has been wasted, do not need treatment again. Kolik renalis or part ureter top of the size of 1 cm or less can often be solved by Ultrasonic waves (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ESWL).

ESWL therapy is crushing stones (kidney) with a wave of shock (shock wave) that ditransmisi from outside the body. Thousands of shock waves are to kidney stones until destroyed. Fractions of next stone will be removed in the urine of water. ESWL is a therapy that does not require surgery or equipment to enter the body of the patient. Meanwhile, small stones in the bottom of the ureter can be appointed by Endoscopic entered through uretra to the bladder.

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