8 Nov 2008
Squid Medical Tumors
OTHER THAN cuisine, squid-rich nutrition. There, protein, minerals, and various vitamins. Ink liquid assets, useful to fight tumors. Squid is one of the animals from the sea Loliginidae family, class Cephalopoda. In Latin, squid known as Loligo spp, while the squid in the English language.
In Indonesia, the squid is known to some terms, such as enus, NUS, cuttlefish, or sontong interest. Sea animals are generally arrested on the night, using light petromaks as a tool drawer. They generally like the light at night. Throng squid can be caught using tools flavor, lift nets, gill nets, trawls the ring, shrimp trawls, rawai tuna, or holdings.
Squid is one of the types of marine animals that people, especially the fans seafood and Chinese food. In the market, squid is usually sold in two main forms, fresh, dried and salted.
High Protein
Viewed from the value of nutrition, squid have the nutritional content of the extraordinary proteins because the content is very high, namely 17.9 g/100 g fresh enemy. Meat squid have advantages compared with other marine products, namely no backbone, easily digested, have the taste and aroma are typical, and contains all kinds of essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acid that is the dominant lysine, lysine, and phenylalanine. Meanwhile, nonessential rate of amino acids that are the dominant Glutamate acid and acid aspartat.
Both these amino acids contribute to the emergence of savory and delicious taste. Therefore, the natural enemy has a taste-tempting to forget, so that the processing divers do not need to be added (such as mono sodium Glutamate = MSG).
Squid also contain some type of macro and micro minerals in the number of the very high. Rate of minerals contained in the squid is very varied, although in one species of the same. This variation depends on the environmental conditions where life, size, and age.
Mineral important in the squid is Sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. Phosphorus and calcium useful framework for the growth of bone, so it is important for the growth of children and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. In addition to protein-rich, squid is also a good source of vitamins such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B12, niacin, folat acid, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
Squid also contain TMAO (Trimetil Amin oxide), which is high enough. TMAO give this a high sense of the typical meat squid. Meat squid monoamino also contains nitrogen that caused squid has a sweet taste. Sulfur content of high enough on the squid also cause the squid smell fishy when the treatment experience of cooking, such as boiled.
Cholesterol alert
The rate of fat in meat spy relatively low, namely 7.5 g/100 g material, each comprising 1.9 g saturated fatty acid; 2.7 g saturated fatty acid is not a single; and 2.1 g saturated fatty acid is not double . Included in the fatty acid is not saturated double Omega 3 can reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood.
Nevertheless, the consumption of squid excess must be avoided because the rate cholesterol tolerable levels, namely reached 260 mg/100 g material. In groups of fish in the sea, the rate of cholesterol on the enemy, shrimp, lobster, crab and, indeed quite high. However, the rate of cholesterol in fishery products is still relatively low compared with the yellow eggs, liver, offal, brain and livestock.
Things to remember about cholesterol is we must prevent the nature phobia. However, the amount of cholesterol in the fair are needed by our body, good for the growth of cells (including brain cells) and sex hormones and the synthesis of vitamin D.
In humans, cholesterol can synthesis itself in the body, namely the liver, korteks, adrenal, skin, intestine, testes, stomach, muscles, adipose network, and the brain. About 17 percent of the dry weight of the brain consists of cholesterol. Without cholesterol, not the brain structure may be formed with perfect.
According to guidelines issued by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the rate of total cholesterol is good for the human body is below 200 mg / dl, HDL more than 35 mg / dl, LDL of less than 130 mg / dl, and Triglyceride less than 250 mg / dl. The rate of cholesterol in the 200 mg / dl can cause various disease threats, such as aterosklerosis (stoppage of blood vessel), stroke and coronary heart disease.
Although considered dangerous, cholesterol still needed by the body. The average man needs 1,100 milligram cholesterol per day to maintain the wall cells and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent (200-300 mg) to normal came from food and the rest synthesis by the body.
Therefore, the consumption of cholesterol in the normal limit, which is not more than 300 mg per day is necessary. So, you do not need to worry at the rate of cholesterol on the enemy. For if you avoid the squid, will mean loss of other nutritional substances that food is very big for the health of the body.
Activate White Blood
I squid can be from the sweeping avoid the nimble through the rapid pengerutan muscle. If the movement is not only fast enough, the clouds thick and dark ink will be excluded from the body, so surprised the enemy for some time. Panic is the enemy to give enough time for the squid to escape immediately.
Liquid ink squid are alkaloid, so it is not preferred by predators, especially fish. This dark-colored liquid containing details of melanin pigment, or black. Melanin is a natural melano protein that contain 10-15 percent protein. Melanin is through binding protein amino acid that contains sulfur, which is sistein.
In addition, the squid also have a protection system by changing the color of the skin-change body quickly, sometimes blue, white, red, or brown. This color change occurred because of kromatofor which is the elastic bag containing pigment of red or yellow.
Pigment cells, which is surrounded by the elastic ties muscle cells that can
contraction quickly, so that the pigment cells become large and cause the color more clearly. This mechanism resulted in squid can change color quickly when the stimulus received from the outside. This system also changes the color used squid as a means of communication.
Based on research conducted by the University Hiroki Japan, squid ink and cuttlefish have a lot of functionality, which can activate the white blood cells to fight tumors. It has been tested on 15 rats tails, a contagious disease of malignant tumors. Mouse was given three doses of injection fluid cuttlefish ink, and the result, only three of the dead mouse, the rest remain alive.
Meanwhile, as control, 15 other rats, which also has the disease malignant tumors, is not given a similar injection, and all died within three weeks. Currently there is certainty in medical ink squid and cuttlefish can treat cancer or tumors, but the squid ink suspected to contain many vitamins, namely vitamin A.
During this squid ink is not much known, especially in the Catering industry. Squid ink often is not removed and left in the meat spy. However, some countries, such as Italy, the enemy has been using ink as one of the pasta cooking spice. In Japan, bags, squid ink (sepio melanin) that black is used as a preservative and to improve the spy salty flavor.
If you like it, the ink will not need to be removed from the enemy, but can be eaten. No need to be worrying about the substance ink that is tough. Some people actually think these substances ink important to enhancing the taste.
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