7 Nov 2008

Myth 10 causes miscarriage

We still live in the nature of myth. From the mystifying question the ability Mak eliot, how to facilitate the provision. However, myths are the most difficult is the trust as a cause for miscarriage, which contain the mother. Myth is sometimes not so reasonable, but very reliable. Weird, yes?

You may have heard, pregnant women are forbidden to see people die. These are to make their children because of miscarriage "asked" who died the same night. Weird huh? But it's a trust, trusted and believed.

One of the four pregnant women at risk of experiencing miscarriage, medical experts note that, so it should not sepelekan risk of miscarriage, especially if this your first pregnancy. Every pregnant woman can minimize the risk of miscarriage, one with various pencetusnya avoid. This was the explanation ten myths about abortion. Based on interviews Dr Dedi Arman Siabi from RS Hermina Bekasi, we sarikan tabloids from the mother-child.

Sex. ''Suggest pregnant women are not sexual intercourse at 12 the first week of her pregnancy'', so many doctors advice content. In fact, there is no medical research to prove that sexual intercourse causes miscarriage. So as long as it is not painful and not to cause inconvenience, please only.

Sports. Exercise regularly in the sports portion during pregnancy good enough for you and your baby. There is no risk of miscarriage, provided you are not too tired to do so. But should not start a new type of sport that you do not have the time before pregnancy.

Air travel.
There is no evidence that travel up the aircraft causing miscarriage, either the short or long trip.

Ultrasonografi examination.
Many mothers fear to undergo examination ultrasonografi - including checks for USG to mencek development of the fetus in the womb, because never heard USG can cause miscarriage. Actual inspection USG can not increase the risk of miscarriage, though indeed, a number of mothers who undergo the examination several times during her pregnancy USG had delivered babies lefty.

Sauna. A study of the 1970s linking sauna bath with a number of problem pregnancies, is the biggest risk of miscarriage. But research has not confirmed further. However, to prevent the fetus in the womb suffer from excess heat. Sauna bath should only be limited to 10 minutes, and should avoid water that is too hot.

Studies indicate if pregnant women drink more than six cups of coffee, tea or cola per day, eat a high risk of experiencing miscarriage. Therefore, the body naturally often sort themselves with the "decline" of coffee in the first weeks gestation.

X-rays. A one-time inspection by X-ray or X-Ray during pregnancy will not cause a miscarriage, cause problems in pregnancy, or harmful to the fetus. However, doctors usually very careful in the use of X-rays on pregnant women, and never merekomendasi a series of X-Ray therapy in pregnant women her pregnancy before the age of 8 weeks.

Using Computers. If the mother working with the computer, do not worry about radiation monitor screen cause miscarriage. Studies conducted intensive and detail has indicated there is no relationship between the use of the computer with a miscarriage or other problems of childbirth, even though you all day typing on the keyboard once it.

And the use of the microwave oven. Recently there are reports in the media that microwave radiation had the critical problems of pregnancy, but this report is not supported by scientific research. This confirms that there is no research to the electronics of similar objects in the vicinity of pregnant women who radiasinya cause miscarriage.

Dental pull. If you have patches of copper in the teeth you do not need to be pregnant while removing the fear of dangerous pregnancy. Patches of copper allocated teeth do not contain mercury, which if exposed to mercury in the body of the said amount with the risk of miscarriage. Medical experts also recommend that pregnant women do not change the type of teeth patches immediately.

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