7 Nov 2008
Danger, of Using Antibiotics
We know antibiotics is the panacea to eliminate pain. But not all people know that antibiotics can not be used to treat all diseases alias can not be consumed vain. One-one could be fatal or allergic to antibiotics.
Unfortunately, people appreciate spelling to observe the use of antibiotics that should not be in vain. When the Fever and flu-Attack, antibiotics always be a drug reference. Even injured drop any drugs if not complete without antibiotics.
Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association DR. Dr. Fachmi Idris, M. Kes explained, the first antibiotic material found Alexander Fleming in 1928. Then, in 1940-start an antibiotic used widely. That time, scientists predict the world, with finding antibiotics, in the 1960s predicted the world clean of the disease infection.
However, rather than evidence of disease infection, it appears a new type of bacteria due to the use of antibiotic resistance. In fact, in 1990, said Fachmi, had post-antibiotic era. "A state that antibiotics do not work anymore." Time is among the 20 types of antibiotics that is, only one that can treat the disease infection, "he explained.
In 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) convey their concerns to the development of bacteria resisten. WHO also states, or alerts the global war against bacteria resisten.
Fachmi also revealed, research in two major hospitals in East Java and Central Java in 2001 showed that the use of antibiotics is not wise reached 80 percent. RSU in the case of Dr. Soetomo, further Kuntaman, resisten number of first-line antibiotics (mild disease infection) can reach 90 percent and second-line (infection is) approaching 50 percent. In disertasinya released some time ago, Kuntaman also mentioned, the number of bacteria producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL, the type of bacteria that are difficult to treatment) 29 to 36 percent. "Compare that with the Netherlands the figure is less than one percent," a man who worked in the microbiology laboratory of Dr. Soetomo the RSU.
Therefore, when antibiotics are not used properly, post-antibiotic era can be predicted to occur in the future. "Just imagine, if there is no one medicine that is able to overcome the disease infection," he said.
According to Fachmi, the high use of antibiotics in hospitals will increase the number of resistance bacteria in the place. "What ultimately complicate therapy," he said. Moreover, the bacteria more easily mutation, which means faster resisten to various antibiotics.
Prof. dr R Bambang Wirjatmadi MS MCN PhD SpGK, nutrition instructor Faculty of Public Health (FKM) second paragraph, explaining, antibiotics are drugs that can be used to kill bacteria, viruses, worms, protozoa, and fungi. "Usually, if you have pain and caused some of this, antibiotic medicine," said Bambang.
Not only that. Antibiotics are needed when someone is sick with a fever. If the pain is not accompanied by a fever, they do not necessarily need antibiotics. Not to instruct in vain, people should know the type of antibiotics. Among them, tetracyclin used for infections, toothache, and the injured. Type of chloramphenicol used for Typhoid disease. Griseofulfin type used to kill fungi and killing combantrin for worms.
There are also narrow spectrum, which is useful to kill specific types of bacteria. Antibiotics that are quite narrow spectrum of ampicillin and amoxycilin. The second type is the broad spectrum of all types to kill bacteria in the body. "It is advisable to avoid this type consume antibiotics," he explained.
For, the type of antibiotics also kill other bacteria that are very useful for the body. Including antibiotics that category is the cephalosporin. The disease is caused by a virus can not be given antibiotics. For example, the flu or a cold sore. For, antibiotics can not kill viruses because the viruses can die alone, the origin of resistance increased body sufferer or afterwards. Still, in the development, currently there are antibiotics developed to kill the virus.
However, it would be dangerous. The use of antibiotics is not in place and can endanger the health excessive. For example, digestive disturbances channel (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting). Worries that the public does not understand, take the dose of antibiotics for all types of the disease.
People can have allergic reactions. Start a mild rash and itching as severe as swelling to the lips, eyelid, until napas interference. For, so people can be allergic to the antibiotics.
The effects can occur up to light weight. Patients can experience anaphylatic shock or shock because of the use of antibiotics. More dangerous again, the drug can also cause liver aberration. As is known, antibiotics have a basic chemical materials. In addition to working to kill germs, chemicals, the body that must dinetralkan safe. The split with the chemical.
Therefore, the public need to understand the function and capability of antibiotic drugs. Good use of time and dose. Thus, the use can be made accurately and rational.
In most cases this is the understanding among medical. "Including, government efforts in the monitoring in the field so that antibiotics are not circulating freely," said Fachmi. Because as a regulator, the position could prevent antibiotics sales in the free market.
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