8 Nov 2008

Water Birth

Water birth is a method of giving birth, which involves immersion in warm water. Proponents believe this method to be safe and provides many benefits for both mother and infant, including pain relief and a less traumatic birth experience for the baby. However, critics argue that the procedure introduces unnecessary risks to the infant such as infection and water inhalation.
During the 1960s, Russian researcher Igor Charkovsky undertook considerable research into the safety and possible benefits of water birth in the Soviet Union. In the late 1960s, French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer developed the practice of immersing newly-borns infant in warm water to help ease the transition from the womb to the outside world, and to mitigate the effects of any possible birth trauma.

Another French obstetrician, Michel Odent, took Leboyer's work further, using the warm-water birth pool for pain relief for the mother, and as a way to normalize the birth process. When some women refused to get out of the water to finish giving birth, Odent started researching the possible benefits for the baby of being born under water, as well as the potential problems in such births. By the late 1990s, thousands of women had given birth at Odent's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthing_center at Pithiviers, and the notion of water birth had spread to many other Western countries.

Water birth first came to the United States through couples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_birth, but soon was introduced into the medical environment of hospitals and free-standing birth centers by midwives and obstetricians. In 1991, Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, New Hampshire became the first USA hospital to create a protocol for giving birth in water. By 2005, there were over 9000 hospitals in the US that had adopted such protocols. More than three-quarters of all National Health Service hospitals in the UK provide this option for laboring women.

The benefits of water birth and its history among some primitive peoples has been advanced as evidence in support of the aquatic ape hypothesis.


Considerable research has been undertaken into the safety of water birth. Two of the most prolific researchers have been Michel Odent and the American obstetrician Michael Rosenthal. Dianne Garland, a midwife in the UK, has focused on gathering research through the National Health Service system, and has published a book called, Water birth: An Attitude to Care. In the US, Barbara Harper, a nurse and childbirth educator, has explored water birth throughout the world, and chronicled the history and current use of water birth in dozens of countries in her book, Gentle Birth Choices. Harper has compiled an extensive bibliography of research on the subject, which can be seen at the website for Water birth International.


For the baby

Childbirth can be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water[4] helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intra-uterine environment, and softens light, colors and noises.

Pain management

Harper reports that water birth is an effective form of pain management during labor and delivery (Harper 2000). Water birth is a form of hydrotherapy which, in studies, has been shown to be an effective form of pain management for a variety of conditions especially lower back pain (a common complaint of women in labor)[citation needed]. In an appraisal of 17 randomized trials, two controlled studies, 12 cohort studies, and two case reports, it was concluded that there was a definite "benefit from hydrotherapy in pain, function, self-efficacy and affect, joint mobility, strength, and balance, particularly among older adults, subjects with rheumatic conditions and chronic low back pain," (Geytenbeek 2002). When compared with conventional pain management techniques for labor and delivery (e.g. anesthesia and narcotics) hydrotherapy is also possibly a safer alternative. In studies, epidural anesthesia (EDA), is correlated with an increased rate of instrumental (e.g. forceps in childbirth) delivery rates and also cesarean section rates (Ros et al. 2007). Full immersion in water promotes physiological responses in the mother that reduce pain including a redistribution of blood volume, which stimulates the release of oxytocin and vasopressin (Katz 1990), the latter which also increases oxytocin blood levels (Odent 1998). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews[5] has found that "the statistically significant reduction in maternal perception of pain and in the rate of epidural analgesia suggest that water immersion during the first stage of labour is beneficial for some women. No evidence was found that this benefit was associated with poorer outcomes for babies or longer labours."

Intact perineum/decreased episiotomy

Water birth is believed to aid stretching of the perineum and decrease the risk of skin tears. Support from the water slows crowning of the infant's head and offers perineal support, which decreases the risk of tearing and reduces the use of episiotomy, a surgical procedure which can cause a number of complications. Indeed, there is a zero episiotomy rate in the waterbirth literature (Harper 2000). Moreover, "perineal trauma is reported to be generally less severe, with more intact perineums for multips, but in some literature about the same frequency of tears for pimips in or out of the water," (Harper 2000; also see Burn 1993 and Garland 1997).

Risks and concerns

A large-scale study of waterbirth in the UK (1994-1996) showed a decrease in perinatal mortality (1.2 per 1,000 for waterbirth vs. 4 per 1,000 for conventional birth during the same period) (Harper 2000; Gilbert 1999; London: Office for National Statistics 2005). While of the 150,000 recorded waterbirths worldwide between 1985 and 1999, problems comparable to non-water births did arise, "there are no valid reports of infants deaths due to water aspiration or inhalation,".

A review of the literature on water birth suggests that any controversy in the medical community stems from OBGYN and pre-natal care providers who generally support water birth, on the one hand, and pediatric specialists who criticize water birth, on the other (see Schuman 2006). While this is by no means a universal divide, it appears to correlate with the "do no harm" credo. The American Academy of Pediatrics 2005 statement on water birth explains that because to date there is no adequate randomized controlled study to demonstrate any benefit to the newborn (only concern over possible complications), when parents are informed about water birth, risks (rather than benefits) should be stressed (Schuman 2006). However, on the other hand, studies have shown that laboring in water does offer significant benefits to the mother (as cited above). While as of 2006 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists had not taken an official position on water birth (Schuman 2006), the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives explicitly support, "Immersion in water during labour and birth," (Royal College of Midwives 2006). Studies that are critical of water birth generally object to or cite evidence from "poorly managed" or un-monitored water birth by inexperienced care providers.


Another concern is that the water could increase the risk of infection.In a randomized controlled trial of the effects of water labor in Canada, no difference was noted in the low rates of maternal and newborn signs of infection in women with ruptured membranes. Due to the rigorous protocols for cleaning birthing tubs between labors (especially in hospitals), there is little (if any) risk of transferring bacteria from infant to mother or mother to infant. In a 1999 study of bacterial cultures carried out at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital, there were no instances of bacteria cultured from the birth pool itself. While Pseudomonas bacteria (common in tap water) were present, even those infants that tested positive for the bacteria needed no treatment for infections.

Slowed labor

Due to the documented relaxing effects of water, laboring in water is sometimes associated with a decrease in the intensity of contractions, and is thus thought to slow labor. While water birth experts (e.g. Harper, RN) argue that this must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, some hospitals have adopted a "5 centimeter" rule, allowing women to enter the tub only once the cervix has already expanded to 5 centimeters (Harper 2000).

Maternal blood loss

For care providers who are inexperienced in delivery in water, it may be difficult to assess the amount of maternal blood loss. While well-developed methods of determining maternal blood loss in water do exist[12], many providers prefer to deliver the placenta "on land" for this reason (e.g. the University of Michigan hospital).


Water birth is accepted and practised in many parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many European countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where many[specify] maternity clinics have birthing tubs. Many[specify] independent birthing centers and many home birth midwives offer water birth services. At present, water birth is often practised by those who choose to have a home birth, because the majority of hospitals have not yet installed proper birth pools in their maternity wards. In 2006, Waterbirth International listed more than 300 U.S. hospitals that offered such facilities. At least two such hospitals were listed in the 2006 U.S. News and World Report "Honor Roll" of best U.S. hospitals: Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.

Hypothesis of origin

David Attenborough has linked the claimed benefits of water birth to the aquatic ape hypothesis. This hypothesis is controversial but suggests that proto-humans had a more aquatic existence. The proponents of the theory point to several anatomical differences between humans and apes. In particular, babies have much more subcutaneous fat than apes. The fat appears in the thirtieth week of pregnancy and continues increasing for the first year after birth. As well the insulation for a baby while its mother is in water, the additional buoyancy has been noted as another benefit of fat. Babies float unaided. Vernix caseosa has also been cited as further evidence, as the only other species in which it has been observed are marine mammals.


1. Monadnock Community Hospital
2. Scars of Evolution- Presented by Sir David Attenborough, a two part BBC radio
4. series examining the 'aquatic ape hypothesis']
3. waterbirth.org (PDF)
4. In most countries, the usual temperature range is roughly 92 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit; this issue is explored in an article by Barbara Harper, "Taking the plunge: reevaluating waterbirth temperature guidelines", MIDIRS, January 2003
5. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
6. (Garland 2000)
7. (Harper 2000)
8. (e.g. Zimmermann et al. 1993)
9. Water Birth and Infection in Babies - British Medical Journal
10. (Rush 1996)
11. These findings confirm those of a British study conducted over a 3-year period (Brown 1998)
13. Scars of Evolution (On-line series of two BBC radio programmes about AAH)
14. Schultz, AH (1969). The Life of Primates. Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
15. Morgan, Elaine (1997). The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. Souvenir Press.

External links

* All About Waterbirth and Water Babies: The Waterbirth Website
* Having a Great Birth in Australia
* BBC News: Water Birth Drowning Risk, 2002 Read More..

Squid Medical Tumors

OTHER THAN cuisine, squid-rich nutrition. There, protein, minerals, and various vitamins. Ink liquid assets, useful to fight tumors. Squid is one of the animals from the sea Loliginidae family, class Cephalopoda. In Latin, squid known as Loligo spp, while the squid in the English language.

In Indonesia, the squid is known to some terms, such as enus, NUS, cuttlefish, or sontong interest. Sea animals are generally arrested on the night, using light petromaks as a tool drawer. They generally like the light at night. Throng squid can be caught using tools flavor, lift nets, gill nets, trawls the ring, shrimp trawls, rawai tuna, or holdings.

Squid is one of the types of marine animals that people, especially the fans seafood and Chinese food. In the market, squid is usually sold in two main forms, fresh, dried and salted.

High Protein
Viewed from the value of nutrition, squid have the nutritional content of the extraordinary proteins because the content is very high, namely 17.9 g/100 g fresh enemy. Meat squid have advantages compared with other marine products, namely no backbone, easily digested, have the taste and aroma are typical, and contains all kinds of essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acid that is the dominant lysine, lysine, and phenylalanine. Meanwhile, nonessential rate of amino acids that are the dominant Glutamate acid and acid aspartat.

Both these amino acids contribute to the emergence of savory and delicious taste. Therefore, the natural enemy has a taste-tempting to forget, so that the processing divers do not need to be added (such as mono sodium Glutamate = MSG).

Squid also contain some type of macro and micro minerals in the number of the very high. Rate of minerals contained in the squid is very varied, although in one species of the same. This variation depends on the environmental conditions where life, size, and age.

Mineral important in the squid is Sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. Phosphorus and calcium useful framework for the growth of bone, so it is important for the growth of children and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. In addition to protein-rich, squid is also a good source of vitamins such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B12, niacin, folat acid, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).

Squid also contain TMAO (Trimetil Amin oxide), which is high enough. TMAO give this a high sense of the typical meat squid. Meat squid monoamino also contains nitrogen that caused squid has a sweet taste. Sulfur content of high enough on the squid also cause the squid smell fishy when the treatment experience of cooking, such as boiled.

Cholesterol alert
The rate of fat in meat spy relatively low, namely 7.5 g/100 g material, each comprising 1.9 g saturated fatty acid; 2.7 g saturated fatty acid is not a single; and 2.1 g saturated fatty acid is not double . Included in the fatty acid is not saturated double Omega 3 can reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood.

Nevertheless, the consumption of squid excess must be avoided because the rate cholesterol tolerable levels, namely reached 260 mg/100 g material. In groups of fish in the sea, the rate of cholesterol on the enemy, shrimp, lobster, crab and, indeed quite high. However, the rate of cholesterol in fishery products is still relatively low compared with the yellow eggs, liver, offal, brain and livestock.

Things to remember about cholesterol is we must prevent the nature phobia. However, the amount of cholesterol in the fair are needed by our body, good for the growth of cells (including brain cells) and sex hormones and the synthesis of vitamin D.

In humans, cholesterol can synthesis itself in the body, namely the liver, korteks, adrenal, skin, intestine, testes, stomach, muscles, adipose network, and the brain. About 17 percent of the dry weight of the brain consists of cholesterol. Without cholesterol, not the brain structure may be formed with perfect.

According to guidelines issued by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the rate of total cholesterol is good for the human body is below 200 mg / dl, HDL more than 35 mg / dl, LDL of less than 130 mg / dl, and Triglyceride less than 250 mg / dl. The rate of cholesterol in the 200 mg / dl can cause various disease threats, such as aterosklerosis (stoppage of blood vessel), stroke and coronary heart disease.

Although considered dangerous, cholesterol still needed by the body. The average man needs 1,100 milligram cholesterol per day to maintain the wall cells and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent (200-300 mg) to normal came from food and the rest synthesis by the body.

Therefore, the consumption of cholesterol in the normal limit, which is not more than 300 mg per day is necessary. So, you do not need to worry at the rate of cholesterol on the enemy. For if you avoid the squid, will mean loss of other nutritional substances that food is very big for the health of the body.

Activate White Blood
I squid can be from the sweeping avoid the nimble through the rapid pengerutan muscle. If the movement is not only fast enough, the clouds thick and dark ink will be excluded from the body, so surprised the enemy for some time. Panic is the enemy to give enough time for the squid to escape immediately.

Liquid ink squid are alkaloid, so it is not preferred by predators, especially fish. This dark-colored liquid containing details of melanin pigment, or black. Melanin is a natural melano protein that contain 10-15 percent protein. Melanin is through binding protein amino acid that contains sulfur, which is sistein.

In addition, the squid also have a protection system by changing the color of the skin-change body quickly, sometimes blue, white, red, or brown. This color change occurred because of kromatofor which is the elastic bag containing pigment of red or yellow.

Pigment cells, which is surrounded by the elastic ties muscle cells that can
contraction quickly, so that the pigment cells become large and cause the color more clearly. This mechanism resulted in squid can change color quickly when the stimulus received from the outside. This system also changes the color used squid as a means of communication.

Based on research conducted by the University Hiroki Japan, squid ink and cuttlefish have a lot of functionality, which can activate the white blood cells to fight tumors. It has been tested on 15 rats tails, a contagious disease of malignant tumors. Mouse was given three doses of injection fluid cuttlefish ink, and the result, only three of the dead mouse, the rest remain alive.

Meanwhile, as control, 15 other rats, which also has the disease malignant tumors, is not given a similar injection, and all died within three weeks. Currently there is certainty in medical ink squid and cuttlefish can treat cancer or tumors, but the squid ink suspected to contain many vitamins, namely vitamin A.

During this squid ink is not much known, especially in the Catering industry. Squid ink often is not removed and left in the meat spy. However, some countries, such as Italy, the enemy has been using ink as one of the pasta cooking spice. In Japan, bags, squid ink (sepio melanin) that black is used as a preservative and to improve the spy salty flavor.

If you like it, the ink will not need to be removed from the enemy, but can be eaten. No need to be worrying about the substance ink that is tough. Some people actually think these substances ink important to enhancing the taste. Read More..

Herb Goddess of Love Aphrodite

SINCE thousands of years ago have natural ingredients April. Medicine is found in food called afrodisiak, a name taken from Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Food is believed to be able to increase the libido.

Here is the food of love as a herb that:

1. Asparagus
This vegetable is rich in vitamin E, vitamin, which is responsible for the production of sex hormones.

2. Chili
These vegetables are hot, spicy alias, in the English language. Hot also chili for your libido because capsaicin substances in stimulating nerve ends, so that increase heart rate and makes you sweat.

3. Brown
Food is often called erotic food contains phenylethylamine, a natural substance antidepresi and Stimulation often called the love molecule.

4. Coffee

This drink contains caffeine known, the concept also have the energy generator and savor the joy of sex.

5. Ginkgo
This herbal medicine known as the forgotten. However, the latter also known ginkgo stimulate spending nitric oxide, which causes increased blood flow to certain parts of the body. Herbs often prescribed to increase the joy of sex.

6. Ginseng

Tonic boosting the body of this increase nitric oxide production, components, chemical substances that are important to prevent ereksi.

7. Shellfish

In addition sensual shapes, shells also rich ZINC, mineral substances needed for the production of sex hormones, namely testosteron.

8. Wild Yam

This aromatic leaves have a reputation to make the tools more sensitive and genital cause erotic dreams.
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Be wary Computer Keyboard Nest disease

Toilet-called sitting on a nest of dangerous germs. A research found the bacteria in the computer keyboard more dangerous than sitting in a toilet.

A research office in London, bacteria found in some office equipment. These germs can cause food poisoning such as Ana nova This Saturday (3/5/2008).

From 33 keyboard, it is considered potentially disrupt the 4 health. And from 1 keyboard to 5 times more dangerous because bacteria than a toilet paste sit.

A microbiology's explain the keyboard is very dirty better cleaned or discarded.

Consultant microbiology from the University College London Hospital, Dr. Wilson, said exchange-exchange using the keyboard can spread the disease among office employees.

"If you see the development, believe it or not, these germs relationship with your nose and bowel. Do your friends suffer flu-affected or at the office of Gastroenteritis, you easily infected due to bacteria on the keyboard," he supplement.
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Talks like? See the Time!

If you make that many in the morning always satisfactory, it is not entirely correct. Satisfaction may be awesome to know the origin of the right time.

Hormone in the body of women's work to set the desire sex. If you think sex enjoyable morning, according to the results of research, precisely at 06.00 hours until 08.00 am on the phase women are lazy awesome. However, if you still want to make, according to Antonija Zbiljski, seksolog cited detikhot from Jovna.com, giving advice to the long-grandfather.

09.00 hours until 10.00 am liking make women start up and reached its peak at 12:00 hours. In the middle of the day, usually women, are willing to do various kinds of variations of sex, including oral sex.

This phase will continue until 14:00 hours. At that time the seksolog said not only women who desire high, but the sperm quality in men are not the best conditions.

Phase will be repeated again from the hours 20.00. I forget the seksolog also remind the men to not only focus on activities spears. Because to get satisfaction, fondling women also need full attention and affection.

Source: detik.com Read More..

More women have a certain waist width may be improving Quick!

This is a warning for women who have a large waist circumference. Compared to other women, women have a certain waist width, regardless of its weight, more may have died earlier because of heart disease and cancer.

Therefore, the results of a study reported in U.S. medical journals such as Circulation This daily Straits Times, Wednesday (23/4/2008).

In this latest research, the researcher at the National Institute of Health and Harvard Medical School found, middle-aged woman who paunchy line with the waist 89 centimeters or more, likely will die of heart disease or cancer.

The researchers examined about 44 thousand U.S. women over 16 years. But the excessive fat bellies ditimbuni two times more likely to die of heart attack than women with waist circumference of less than 71 centimeters.

Death due to cancer disease, women have a certain waist of a 63 percent higher risk than women with more slender waist.

The results of this study emphasize the importance of maintain the slimness body during middle age.

"Although maintaining a healthy weight should be done as a chronic disease prevention and early death more. But equally important to maintain a healthy waist size and prevent obesity abdomen," said research leader Dr. Zhang Cuilin.

Excess belly fat is considered healthy because they do not impact on the body's metabolism. Too much fat in the abdomen intended to improve cholesterol levels, which can cause heart disease and cancer-specific cancer.

Source: detik.com Read More..

Syphilis increased in the U.S.

In seven years, the average Syphilis infection in the United States increased each year. Most occur in men of the gay and bisexual people. Increase average 14 percent from 2006, or six times higher than in the case of women.

"Men who had sexual intercourse with a man almost 64 percent suffered Syphilis in 2007," said Dr. Hillard Weinstock of the Division of Disease Prevention Sexual Menular Center for Disease Control and Prevention United States. In 2007, the increase in the number of such cases is 12 percent compared to 2006. He added, Syphilis, such as transmission of HIV, penularannya happen quickly, can be 2-5 times higher. He also suggested gay and bisexual men to the doctor at least once a year to check for the presence of Syphilis or other infectious sexual diseases.

Source: CBN Read More..

'Mobile are, Killed Sperm'

Use the phone again associated with health problems. This time stated, a nation that men spend long hours to make calls via the mobile phone has a risk of decrease in the number of sperm. Even mentioned, the use of mobile phones is also increasing the rate of sperm that rocker.

Conclusion is stated experts in the health center Cleveland Clinic, the United States. They explained, the production of sperm in men affected by the frequency of use of mobile phones. The old man using a mobile phone, the more likely to be disrupted production of sperm.

This study is published in the journal 'Fertility and Sterility. The research involved a sample of 361 men within one year. The participant was asked about the habits of mobile phone compared to the number of their sperm production.

According to Dr. Ashok Agarwal who led the research, the decline in sperm production is automatically affect the level of fertility in men produce descendants. He explained, men who use mobile phones within four hours or more each day, to the production of sperm, which is very low.

This FoxNews and cited seconds, the decline in the number of sperm is alleged to be caused by the waves elektromagnetis phone. However, as often happens in research such as this, again, there is no evidence that sure about the conclusions of these doctors.

Source: detik.com Read More..

3 Cancer Home Lurk Smoker

A cigarette contained only 4 thousand types of chemicals are toxic or harmful to the body. Substances that trigger cancer lungs, brain, and lives.

Who does not know cigarettes. In its history, cigarette diisap citizens have been the original American tribes, namely Maya, Aztec, Indian and since 1000 years before Christ. Colombus and then introduce to the UK cigarette and tobacco trade started since 1500-an, especially tobacco and Virginia still exist until this second.

Cigarette industry began to dim since 1964 because of the Association of American Surgical Doctor issued a statement that cigarettes cause cancer lungs. Cigarette ads on television began running illegal in Britain since 1965 and 1970 in the United States. Health warnings on cigarette packages begin to appear since 1970, and progressively strengthened with a warning through the images.

Despite overcast start, remember as many as 4 million people die of cigarettes in 2020 and estimated future, the victim died as a result of cigarettes reached 10 million people. Unfortunately 70 percent of victims are in developing countries. At least this was revealed in a seminar titled "Smoking and Cancer Plazemarks" in the function room floor 2, Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jalan Let Jen S Parman, Slipi, West Jakarta, some time ago.

In the international world, there are 1.26 billion smoker and in developing countries around 800 million smoker. Meanwhile, Indonesia's rank to five the number of smoker with the most after China, United States, Japan and Russia. "In the smoke one cigarette, there are 4 thousand types of chemicals, including 400 types of toxic or poisonous substances and 40 types of poisonous substances Carcinogen namely that cause cancer," said Staff Functional Medicine Hospital Cancer Dharmais Dr. Eddy Soeratman.

Cancers of lungs, according to Dr. Eddy, is a disease that can not be detected early. This is then that the cancer sufferer lungs, new to come to the hospital for cancer stadium with four or more. "Cancer patients will be new to the lungs when doctors vomiting blood or packed and feel sick when breathing," Eddy added.

Pain or vomiting blood that experienced by people with cancer caused their lungs everywhere in the lungs by recessive benjolan cancer tumors in the lungs. "That the people and make breathing difficult. If followed up late, lung patients will be logged by the fluid that is carried by cancer cells and it can result in death," he said.

When is severe, cancer lungs into the main causes of mortality and 85-95 percent related to smoking habits. High-risk groups affected by cancer is the lungs of men and women aged 40 years and above, heavy smoker and the people who are in the environment that is polluted by industrial waste or pollutant.

If the cancer cells had attacked the lungs, said Dr. Eddy, cancer cells will be easily spread to three main body parts, namely the brain and lives. "Tue cancer will be blood and lymph glands throughout the body, most often it is subject to the brain and lives," added the doctor who descend directly to the school for counseling antirokok.

In addition to the three main members of the body exposed to cancer-prone after cancer affected lungs, other parts of the body that is also vulnerable, according to Dr. Eddy, is a kidney and bone. "Cancer causes bones easily broken bones can cause paralysis and even cancer because of the spinal cord or bone fracture," said Dr. Eddy.

For patients suffering from cancer detected lungs, the hospital will first perform the four types of diagnosis. First, the complaint is felt by the patient, physical examination, toraks X-rays, CT scans toraks and patalogi anatomy. "The sooner cancer is, the more easily prevented the spread of cancer cells," he said.

Suffering from cancer pain lungs, it also felt by Willy. Middle-aged men admitted infected lungs, and cancer have now been declared free by doctors.

Source: Okezone Read More..

More Women Like Men bearded

For men who do not like the bearded, you better start to consider again. According to research, women appeared more like bearded men, too.

A research conducted on women aged 18-44 years. They all diperlihatkan15 image that men have a beard with a few levels. There is dagunya smooth without hair, beard until a few jenggotnya dogs.

The women then have to choose, men which, according to their adult, romantic, aggressive and serious in dealing love.

Quoted from detikhot Telegraph.co.uk, Thursday (3/7/2008) hasiln research is quite surprising. The majority of women was always choose men who bearded when answering questions submitted.

The women also assume that men do not shave, have a distinctive charm. They also prefer men bearded as their partner.

Interested in maintaining beard?

Source: detik.comTelegraph.co.uk Read More..

Liquor Damage Power Remember

Some men have a bad habit that difficult once removed. Habits such as drinking coffee, smoking, and that is most dangerous to drink liquor.

Now, the women had also started the bad habit, only to have the sensation or eliminate stress.

Did you drink liquor that can damage the memory in the brain?

As quoted from Femalefirst, Sunday (10/8/2008), health is important for every human being. Bad habit of drinking liquor can provide a bad influence for someone activity. Especially at this time many young people who put their life with neglect drink beverages that can be intoxicating.

According to the research has been done, aged 17-19 years is the time where the brain is still developing rapidly. Young children who consume liquor tend to have higher health risks. In addition to hamper the development of memory, hard drink can damage the function of brain cells.

Source: Okezone Read More..

Hypnobirthing Help Eliminate To Feel Pain

On the labor can take place with comfortable and free from feeling pain?

Why not? Now there has been delivered by using the method mind positive prospective mother called hypnobirthing. Besides a great help during the birth process, later this method is also a positive effect on the flower children soon grow.

The process of birth & stress

According to Tiffany Field, Ph.D., a researcher from the University of Miami School of Medicine, United States, that more than 60 percent of women will experience stress, and only 10 percent of them women, who face relatively calm childbirth. In addition, more than 10 percent of women affected by depression during pregnancy can "transmit" kesedihannya the fetus in the content.

Maternal stress in children infectious?

True, the stress that depression will culminate in a negative impact on the growth of the fetus to be born when he was even until the children grow kembangnya soon. Stress and depression in the mother will infect the biochemistry that will affect fetal brain activity. As a result, babies born at the time showed symptoms of depression, such as restlessness, refused to drink breastmilk and exacting.

Pregnant women are prohibited from stress

Now, that these conditions do not happen to you. It is recommended that prospective birth mothers who will prepare physically and mentally. With the balance of physical and mental health of the expected confinement will occur smoothly so that mother and baby together in healthy condition.

Stress should be

Positive mind, other than the powerful against the powerful stress it can also make the mother feel strong in the face psychological matters. Now, one of the methods applied in hypnobirthing is to help reduce maternal depression due to various potential emergency, so it appears that the confidence matters will be running well.

With all the confidence in the positive, the process of childbirth that was feared to be that will run smoothly and bear children with a safe and healthy. It must put the mind and believed repeated.

source : www.Conectique.com Read More..

Water Birth. Know the risks and benefits

Delivered in water or water birth, are still not popular in our ears, although there have been two ongoing process of childbirth with this method. Unlike in some other Asian countries, this method has become a primary choice for mothers giving birth.

In our countries, not all hospitals are equipped with facilities for childbirth this method. In addition to needed medical workers trained, the hospital must memilliki swimming clothes berdesain special (birth mother). Sterilitas water should be taken not to cause infection in the mother and the baby was born.

For the mother:

The experts in the field of health gynecologist acknowledge that the birth in water have advantages compared to other methods of birth.

1.The mother will feel more relaks because all the muscles associated with childbirth process to be elastic.

2.This method will also facilitate the process mengejan. So that the pain during childbirth is not too pronounced.

3.Water in the process of opening the road will be born to run faster.

For babies:

1.Lowers the risk of head injury baby.

2.Although not yet done research, but health experts believe that birth with this method allows the baby IQ is higher than that of infants born with other methods.

3.Circulatory baby will be better, so that the body of a baby will be born after a quick squeeze.

There are 2 methods of water birth

1.Water birth pure. Mother into the pond after experience of childbirth 6 to the process of the birth occurred.

2.Water birth emulsion. Only the mother is in the pond until the end of contraction. The process of giving birth still be done in bed.


* Chance of pond water consumed by the very large baby. This condition causes the process requires a doctor obstetrics and content, also a specialist children who will undertake direct when the baby is born. So if there is a direct interference can be detected and overcome.

* Hipotermia or too low body temperature will be experienced by the mother if the birth process lasts longer than perperkiraan.

* The baby's risk of experiencing shock if the water temperature is not the same as the temperature of the mother during childbirth is 37 degrees centigrade.

source :www.conectique.com Read More..

7 Nov 2008

Reveals the benefits of Tempe

Who is not familiar Tempe. Food fermentation results between soybeans with Rhizopus jamur Oligosporus this many best monetization opportunities. Taste delicious, the price is cheap and easily obtained. Moreover piece of tempeh, contain many useful elements, such as carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, enzymes, daidzein, genisten, antibakteri and components useful for health.

Tempe foods that are often found in the home and in the stalls, as it complements the meal has a value of the content and digested better than the soybeans. Hence, tempeh is very good to be given to all age groups (from infants to elderly), so it can be called as a food of all ages.

In addition, in Tempe also increased the value of nutrition, such as the level of vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niasin, and acid pantorenat. Even the results of the analysis, the nutrition content of Tempe shows niasin of 1:13 mg/100 grams of weight that can be eaten Tempe. Content is increased about 2-fold after becoming tempeh, fermented soybeans. Because the rate on soybean niasin only 0.58 mg, tempeh, can be consumed in three main forms.

First, tempeh, generally consumed in the form of chips, bacem, or cooked with vegetable mixture. Second-shaped flour. This can be used as the content of food, which is useful for improving the nutrient and fiber, as a natural preservative and to combat diarrhea in children. Third, tempeh can also be treated as a concentrate, protein, protein isolat, peptida, and other components biokatif.

Anemia & Osteoporosis
Tempe also can be trusted to prevent anemia and osteoporosis, two diseases that many women suffer, because the nature of women must be experiencing cramps, pregnant and breastfeeding infants. This disease can attack the anemic women who eat lazy, fear of fat, so the supply and production of cell-red blood cells in the body decreases.

Now, where can play a role as a supplier of minerals, vitamin B12 (found in animal foods), and iron is needed in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, tempeh, can also reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood. Compound, protein, fatty acid PUFA, fiber, niasin, and calcium in the home can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.

Prevent Aging & Breast Cancer
In Tempe also found a substance in the form of antioxidant isofalvon. Like vitamins C, E and karotenoid, isoflavon antioxidant that is very necessary to stop the body's reaction to the establishment of radikan free. In soybeans, there are three types of isoflavon, namely daidzein, glisitein, and genistein. In the past, in addition to the three types of isoflavon these factors, there are also antioxidants II (6,7,4 trihidroksi isoflavon), which has the most powerful antioxidant compared with isoflavon in soybeans.

This antioxidant disentesis while the fermentation process soybeans into Tempe by the bacteria Micrococcus leteus and Coreyne bacterium. Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States, found that genestein and phytoestrogen found in the past it can prevent prostate cancer, breast and aging (Aging).

Therefore, the best way to optimize the body for the property, wherever we are with mengonsumsinya every day in the number significantly. To have not experienced boredom, the use of the Tempe varisi in various recipes need to be done.

So that property-being of useful substances is not wasted in the process of cooking, tempeh should diamsak with the menu, such as soup, semur, or bacem. Ways to reduce it a little more savor Tempe, instead of fried. manfat out of the past for our body, so, do not hesitate to consume tempeh, yes!

10 properties Tempe:

a. Protein found in tempeh is very high, easily digested so good to overcome diarrhea.

b. Contain iron, which are antioxidants flafoid reducing blood pressure.

c. Containing superoksida desmutase that can control free radicals, for people with heart.

d. Countermeasures anemia. Anemi marked with a low rate of hemoglobin because of lack of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), protein, folat acid and vitamin B12, in which the elements contained in Tempe.

e. Anti-infection. The survey shows that the past contains anti-bacterial compound produced by tempe coral (R. Oligosporus) is a useful antibiotic that minimize the incidence of infection.

f. Hipokolesterol power. Saturated fatty acid content of the double in the past may be lower rate of cholesterol.

G. Having the nature of anti-oxidants, reject cancer.

h. Prevent the double problem of nutrition (due to shortage and excess nutrients) and their various diseases are involved, both infection and degeneratif.

i. Prevent the onset of hypertension

j. Content high calcium, tempeh can prevent osteoporosis.

Source: Tabloid Mother & Child Read More..

7 Things You Didn't Know About Fat

Fat is usually 'lazy' we hear, especially if related to the body. But it must be recognized, fat also play an important role in the processes going on in our bodies every day - whether positive or negative. With a five-letter word has a secret that you need to know. Agung Cahyono Widi give to you.

1. Tuesday fat can be big six times the size of the minimum.
Each person has Fat cells; cells formed this start even before we were born. At the age of 16 years, the cells are mature. Then, genes and factors that determine the style rather than increased body weight or not. Tuesday for the body fat important in helping the system of storage and management of energy the body. Fat is not used in the near future will be saved for an emergency. So if you eat more food berkalori every day, but rarely burnt, your fat cells will swell and doubled, so overweight created.

2. Tuesday trigger the formation of fat extra estrogen
Excessive fat can damage the hormonal balance that culminate in a variety of diseases. Estrogen, a hormone greater number of women had also owned by men (in the number of small). However, this hormone is very important for men, because estrogen set a healthy libido, improve brain function (especially recall), and protect the heart. But if the level is too high, the level of hormones testoteron will be reduced, and men will experience fatigue, weakness, decreased sexual function, and in some cases will occur prostate enlargement.

3. If you lose more weight, your fat cells will shrink, but not lost
Have 100 billion fat in the body due to increased body weight may be frightening. What's the best, you can still remove the weight, even after your fat cells swell and grow. Because when the weight down, Andapun fat cells shrink. So what if you maintain good body weight than the normal take-hard diet. Someone who still maintain a normal body weight throughout life will be easier to maintain weight than someone who had the fat cells swell and grow.

4. The network of fat cells to cause inflammation
In addition to feeling guilty when your weight increases, there is also the internal complications that can be caused by excess fat. Tuesday fat causes immune cells and macrophages increased inflammation. Inflammation is a reaction to the body against infection. Fat Tuesday is considered as attack on the body and react immediately attacked him.

5. Tuesday fats have different effects in every part of the body
Men usually store excess fat in the middle of the body. Fat in the stomach to increase the bad cholesterol trigger stoppage blood vessels and increase pressure and blood sugar. Furthermore, stored fat in the stomach in the body fat in a different part of the thigh just below the skin. Tuesday fat metabolism in the stomach more active than fat stored in other parts of the body. Fat is release more fatty acid, which can lead to diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke, Lever interference, and cancer. There is no way to eliminate fat in certain parts of the body. The best way is to train all the programs. And good news, fat in the abdomen fat is the most flammable with the exercise routine.

6. If you do not consume fat at all, you will create a 'korslet' body.
As mentioned, fat is very important to maintain the body's natural processes, such as the absorption of vitamins and the formation of energy. Without a functioning dissolves fat, vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and K, the body does not absorb the calcium adpat well. This resulted in disruptive hormone, the formation of blood cells, and blood clotting. Lack of vitamin-vitamin can cause serious health problems, such as short-sighted, rickets, anemia and bleeding in. Furthermore, lack of calcium can cause bone brittleness.

7. Fat calories should be only 30% of total calories daily

Nevertheless, fat is not the enemy. Fat is required to form the body of energy. But it should be remembered, the calories of fat should be a total of 30% of total calories daily. There is also a type of fat, such as fat plants that are better than other types of fat because fat does not trigger the formation of evil (LDL).
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Vulnerable girl Cage miscarriage

Women who have a body mass index (BMI) is low, the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy experience. Characters 72 percent higher in the three months of age first pregnancy. Therefore, the sound of a team of researchers reports the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK, published on December 6 last.

Noreen Maconochie, a professor of epidemiologist and medical statstics from the university, the estimate of one in five pregnancies ended in miscarriage English. This is certainly cause stress for women in the UK.

This incident can be pressed to consume various supplements, eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Research previously mentioned that a healthy diet, stress and pressure to keep emotions play an important role in helping women more easily pregnant or planning a pregnancy, and prevent miscarriage.

Noreen who led the research is to learn the relationship between biological history, customs and lifestyle as risk factors cause miscarriages. Another risk factor is age, infertility, and has a history of miscarriage. Although there was still debate, alcohol consumption, smoking, and Feed the high caffeine can also cause.

In the research, the experts examined 605 British women aged 18-55 years who have recently experienced a miscarriage and 3 months in the pregnancy (less than 13 minggi age pregnancy), and 6,116 women are up to 12 weeks. Found a number of skinny women, 72 percent experienced a miscarriage in early pregnancy trisemester.

However, women who received vitamin supplements during pregnancy experienced a decrease in incidents abortion up to 50 percent. Generally, the vitamins are consumed folat acid or iron and other multi. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables each day can also press the accident. Habit of eating chocolate is suspected terjadiya can reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Experts explain that women who during the first 12 weeks experienced bad, marked her pregnancy showed good progress. And women who experience miscarriage, or about 70 percent of her pregnancy will be good.
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In a special way of giving birth in the pool

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Fetus Prevent Fall

Fortunately if you or your spouse have a normal pregnancy, normal course. In some people, pregnancy often get a lot of interference bleeding, the possibility of diverse causes. What and how to prevent it?

Yanti should be immediately taken to hospital. Parties, he experienced bleeding quite understand the great feeling of heartburn. In the age of the content is not even nine months. Ahahah plus if doctors at the hospital immediately take action Caesar surgery. Yanti with her baby saved.

According to the doctors that deal, which is bleeding due to Yanti terlepasnya Hampi placenta or the fetus (solisio plasente). Cases of pregnancy such as bleeding Yanti suffered enough. In this case the actual Hampi inherent in the normal place but because of a case irrespective Hampi.

"The causes can be different," said dr. RB Ontowiryo HP, obstetrics and disease experts from the womb Mother and Child Hospital Harapan Kita, Jakarta. "I can grow as tumors or myom in the womb wall, because the strap can Hampi terjerat feet on the baby when the baby moving so interested and irrespective Hampi. The case of accidents such as stomach the mother hit the right inherent in Hampi can also cause irrespective Hampi."

Another reason, the case pre-eklamsia (during pregnancy increases blood pressure and certain parts of the body to swell). Lucky if terlepasnya Hampi at the age of the fetus is quite experienced as Yanti. For if the content of the occurrence before the age of 7.5 months (weight babies 1,400 -1,500 g), the fetus is generally difficult to be saved.

Bleeding during pregnancy can also turbulence Hampi cover the way baby. Hampi location here is not normal (Hampi prefia) which protrudes in the lower segment of uterus, leading to the mouth of the uterus. Furthermore, the long, Hampi cover the baby's exit. This case can also cause bleeding because of the occurrence of peregangan or pengencangan the bottom of the uterus that cause the bottom of the uterus so interested in planting Hampi little shift.

"However, handling more easily compared with the first case was," said dr. Ontowiryo. "The bleeding is not held continuously, but the repeated, for example, every 3 - 4 weeks and not a pain. So that the fetus can be maintained longer," he added.

To maintain that there is no contraction (business from the womb to remove the contents), the doctor gave medicines, which sometimes provided by Doofus, so that the contents remain weak and Hampi not move. During the pregnancy of the mother suggested to limit the daily activities (bed rest) until the time of childbirth.

Spot of blood ties and lodging the mouth

Because of the possibility of risk incurred, seringan any bleeding out during pregnancy should be skeptical. We must monitor whether the blood spot only arise once or repeatedly. Is the spot and a great increase heartburn or not. If heartburn is usually complemented spot shows indications miscarriage. Because it seems so out of the red spot, once the doctor to check themselves and the rest total.

With a total rest, the flow of blood to the uterus so that a good bleeding is expected to be reduced. To check whether the fetus is still alive is usually examined with the equipment ultrasonografi (USG). Meanwhile, the spot without any sense of heartburn can be solved with the rest, plus the total drug is pregnancy.

However, we also need not panic if there is excessive bleeding. Bleeding that can only come from the mouth of the uterus would open, or Hampi candidate who would loose, or the way the baby closed.

The condition of the mouth that are less well uterus can also cause bleeding, which ended with a miscarriage. For example, the opening of mouth, womb prematurely. Problems like this happen on many mothers who often have miscarriages or birth often. In the last case, the condition serviksnya less good or rags in the vaginanya not closed completely.

To avoid the occurrence of miscarriage, the mouth of the uterus is slightly open was tied or entangled with a "ribbon" special and opened again at the age of her pregnancy is quite old. During tied, it is not recommended for dealing with the pair can cause a contraction. Moreover, "the tape" penjeratnya hard!

When the fetus successfully maintained, after bleeding, the mother should consider the health body while not forget to avoid stress. Food should be consumed nutritious foods such as high iron-rich, calorie and protein. Furthermore, enough vitamins and minerals. Ask for advice on nutrition experts to shape the menu as needed.

RADIO virus

Bleeding during pregnancy can also an indication of irregularity in the pregnancy itself. The most dicemaskan that occurred in the first quarter of the pregnancy. Bleeding at the time this is a sign of the occurrence of miscarriage. At the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is still weak because Hampi is not formed. The development of the fetus from 1 - 3 months only depends on the role of hormones.

Naturally, there are certain women are "gifted" to bleeding, a miscarriage followed. For But, of course must be thoroughly searched the main causes. Once the cause is found, a new medical action is carried out.

Another thing that needs attention is a hormonal imbalance or interference. In this case abortion generally can not be avoided. Disturbances on the role of supporting the pregnancy hormone early in the pregnancy 1 - 3 months did not cause the fetus develops and autumn. That is not repeated, before preparing the next pregnancy, the mother is given hormone therapy until the rate of balanced hormones, said.

Fetal abnormalities can also culminate miscarriage. Ketidaknormalan was due to one less good quality seeds. For example, because of the age of the mother is above 35 years old, suffering from chronic diseases such as tuberculosis or severe intestinal seeds or the husband is less good quality. With the fetus itself will not be established until the finally stopped normal growth.

Fetus is not normal, can also result toksoplasma kinds of infection (the virus that is transmitted by cats and birds), Rubella, Herpes Virus 1 and 2, which called the Torch. This disease germs can not be killed but only revealed activeness and endurance increased, the body of the mother.

Therefore, the test Torch needs to be done before deciding pregnant again. When the rate of IGG (imunoglugolin) do not rise, means stable or down (the virus is not helpless and lost again). The mother may be pregnant again.

Durian and the tape is prohibited?

Besides bleeding, nutrition also need to be taken to prevent miscarriage fetus. For the pregnancy should also not supported by good nutrition? Unfortunately, often with nausea, dizziness and vomiting, acapkali the mother experienced interference Feed terkuras nutrition so that energy flow and oxygen to the reduced network. Consequently, gracious can not maintain strong fetus.

Similarly, when the mother had anemia or lack of red blood cells. Food is brought together with red blood cells also become so reduced food supply and less automatically hampered the growth of the fetus. Therefore, every pregnant mothers are encouraged to drink extra vitamins and eating foods that meet the nutritional requirements as recommended doctor. Berprotein higher food and vegetables and fruits more than the recommended food berkarbohidrat high. The high-carbohydrate often causes the fetus is too large.

During pregnancy, should also be avoided eating the food many kinds of high durian and tape.

"The good, usually the higher the alcohol," added dr. Ontowiryo. "And this took hamper the growth of the fetus." If it is said that young pineapple can topple the womb, according to the board. Ontowiryo not true, except in case of diarrhea that cause great mouth mengendor womb. Doctors also add this, many drinking ice water will not cause the fetus greater unless always be drunk with syrup. That coconut oil that can cause birth seems more smoothly, also the view that one. "Coconut oil 'is only going to gut, not the vagina!" he said.

To prevent the occurrence of miscarriage, for pregnant mothers should not work hard, too tired, and avoid stress. Its excessive stress will increase the adrenalin that occur in the blood vessel constriction that result in a lack of blood flow to the uterus. If the contraction or arising vaso reaction to the contents of the baby, abortion is feared will happen.

That is not less important is to prepare the pregnancy. When previously felt the difference, such as the growth of tumors, leucorrhoea, infection cervix, cyst, endometriosis experience, etc., need to be examined and treated immediately in order to arrive when the pregnancy, the fetus can grow well and born with.
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None pregnancy (Blighted Ovum)

Pregnant but no baby in the womb also called the pregnancy or empty Blight ovum. As the pregnancy in general, mothers who experienced a pregnancy is also an empty delayed menstruation, nausea and vomiting beginning of the pregnancy and the enlargement stomach. When a pregnancy test done, the mother expressed a positive pregnancy. This is because Hampi also produce the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Now, this is the hormone that gives the signal that the pregnancy has occurred

Unfortunately, although the fetus is formed, but the fetus does not grow with the growing perfect. Content only form of a bag containing liquids. A mother will be to have been empty when the pregnancy has been ascertained through inspection USG.


* Nearly 60% of pregnancies empty due to chromosomal aberration in the process of fertilization and egg cell sperm cells.
* Although prosentasenya not too big, rubella infection, infection Torch, immunological aberration, diabetes and pain / diabetes melitus not terkontrol.pada pregnant women can cause pregnancy to be empty.
* Kian old-age husband and wife and the more the number of children also can increase the opportunities for pregnancy empty.


* Conducting immunization in the capital to avoid the entrance to the rubella virus in the body. In addition to immunization, pregnant women also must always maintain good hygiene and the neighborhood.
* Sembuhkan before the illness by the prospective mother. Then make sure that the prospective mother is healthy during pregnancy will be planned.
* Establishing chromosomal examination
* Not only the prospective mother, the father also advised to stop smoking habits and start living healthy when prakonsepsi.
* Please check routine pregnancy. For the usually empty pregnancy rarely terdekteksi age when the content is still under eight months.

Source: conectique.com Read More..

Set the weight during pregnancy

Overall health is very important during pregnancy. "Pregnancy is very healthy will affect the quality of birth and the baby was born," said dr. Hasnal Siregar, Sp.OG from RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta.

One of the factors that are not less important during pregnancy is the weight. In Indonesia, the ideal weight for prospective mothers during pregnancy start (the start pregnant) is between 45 to 65 kg. If less than 45 kg, a weight increased until it reached more than 45 kg before pregnancy. "Similarly, the weight when the prospective mother more than 65 kg, a weight lowered to below 65 kg before pregnancy," he continued.

Unfortunately, very few women who plan weight before the start of pregnancy. "Actually, the weight of prospective mothers less than 45 kg or more than 65 kg, will create a risk of pregnancy (low risk)," Hasnal information. Weight prospective mothers less (underweight) or excess (overweight), the risk of babies with birth weight less or low birth weight babies (BBLR). "Infants with BBLR will be subject to development and kecerdasannya, in addition to physical health are also less good."

For the mother did not lose berisikonya. "If the excess weight, he can experience bleeding or poisoning pregnancy. First overweight, and tension rising, swollen feet, kidney problematic, eventually poisoning pregnant," said the Hasnal. When the birth, usually always occur complications.

Be careful Pre-Eklampsia
How many actually increase the ideal body weight during pregnancy? The formula, each month, the weight should be increased up to 1 kg over 20 weeks gestation. Then, up 2 kg per month of pregnancy after 20 weeks. "So, if women begin pregnancy with a weight of 45-65 kg, the ideal increase during pregnancy is between 12-14 kg. Meanwhile, if the weight when pregnant start in the 45 kg weight, which is recommended between 12,5-18 kg, and if the increase 7-11,5 kg body weight when pregnant start more than 65 kg, "Hasnal information.

Increase the weight that is not in accordance with the formula was not ideally good and risk. For example, the increase of excess or very fast. "If this happens, you should be careful, because it could be an early indication of poisoning the occurrence of pregnancy (pre-eklampsia) or diabetes," said Hasnal.

Not only that, the body of the pregnant mothers can be swelling, either in the legs and stomach. In addition, can also hinder the growth of the fetus. "The delivery of food to the fetus be reduced because of a blood vessel constriction. Now, if the blood vessel constriction of this increase in intensity, could be fatal to the fetus," Hasnal information. Excessive weight can also affect the process of childbirth. For example, is not strong mengejan.

Generally, the increase in weight that occur quickly at the end of pregnancy. Usually, if there is excessive increase during certain months, up to 5 kg for example, doctors will recommend for the diet. The next two months, the weight of prospective mother must be stable (can not be increased and decreased). "This can be done to set back the list of the food. Normally Feed by reducing fat and carbohydrates, such as sugar, rice, cheese, gorengan, and enhance the consumption of protein, such as fish, meat, eggs, nuts, and fruits, because is necessary for the growth of the fetus in the womb. "

Clever choose food
What if the weight of unremitting rise or even fall during pregnancy? "Mother pregnant should eat more fatty foods that contain carbohydrates and high, such as ice cream, alpokat, cakes, until the weight is increased, but still limit the increase in the ideal," said Hasnal.

Usually, the difficulty of body weight rise occurred in the months early pregnancy. "In the first trimester pregnancy, pregnant women are often nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, so. Actually, in this trimester, the brain, senses and genitals formed fetus," said Hasnal. If this continues until the next trimester, may not Feed nutrition fetus will be disrupted, so that the growth of the fetus to become obstructed.

Therefore, the prospective mother must be clever-clever choose food that you eat appetite remains intact. "To avoid nausea, should avoid fatty food, cold food, or food that is too sour," Hasnal suggestions.

In addition, psychological factors also affect the appetite of prospective mothers. For example, if indeed he expects her pregnancy or not. "There are pretty women who have not actually pregnant, sensitive, but then pregnant. This certainly must be considered can affect psikisnya because," saying Hasnal further asserts that in the first trimester pregnancy, weight should be increased, although feel nausea or vomiting. "The weight of the body based only baseball can be increased greatly, especially down."

Usually, in the second trimester pregnancy, the mother is calm, then appetite is also recovered. In this trimester, have lost a sense of nausea. "But, still must be careful also to avoid excessive weight increased," anjur Hasnal.

Formula increases the weight of the ideal must be correct. For example, this month should be raised by 2 kilos, but it increase of 2 kilos already occurred in the first 2 weeks. "So, the next 2 weeks he should diet." Or, the first 2 weeks, body weight has not increased, then the prospective mother must pursue ketingalan in the next 2 weeks.

The ideal weight is reached, the birth will be running easily, without complications. Or, if any, only a few (low risk). "Childbed will also soon be over, in addition to not damage the body shape." Yes, the ideal body weight during pregnancy will soon return to the form of body weight after giving birth. "Mother will be beautiful again, without the need to take pains to manage weight."

Diligent, industrious control
What must be done so that the ideal body weight can be achieved?
• We recommend that before pregnancy, consultation to the doctor about the factors that disrupt the disease pregnancy, including BB (more or less).
• Turuti doctors advice about BB month per month. Ask a diet that matches your situation. For example, if excessive, some diet, and so forth.
• Every control to the doctor. If the charming doctor and patient and diligent control does not have penyulit during pregnancy, it either diabetes or goiter, usually the standard weight is reached.
Damaged teeth can be problematic
Less or even decrease the weight not only occur in pregnant women who lost their appetite. "There are also prospective mothers eat more, but weight is not up-and-ride. If this occurs, the composition of the food must be checked. Do not feed the dikonsumsinya not nutritious, replete origin only," said Hasnal.

If the quality of food consumed is good, but he still thin, must be checked, is there something wrong in the digestive equipment or teeth. "Gigi is damaged to make the food was sometimes can not be chewed well, so it can not be digested and absorbed by the body perfectly. As a result, the fetus not get better with the food supply, so that growth is obstructed," said Hasnal.

What is clear, any weight when pregnant start, the increase should be increased according to the formula of body weight. After the pregnancy weight should also be increased according to increase always ideal. "Do not get pregnant and then after I eat because it is fat. If this is done, Feed nutrition for the fetus will be disrupted."

Ideal weight babies
How many actually a normal fetal weight for age appropriate? At the age of 20 weeks gestation, the fetus weight of approximately 0.5 kg. At the age of 36 weeks gestation, it should reach 2.5 kg. Furthermore, close to birth, the weight should reach 3 kg. "Ideal body weight baby is between Indonesia 3-3,5 kg. If the growth of the fetus is not in accordance with the formula above, should be examined salvo. Is there a difference of the body, such as the aberration that causes kidney hidramnion, or how the system pencernaannya," Hasnal said.
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Myth 10 causes miscarriage

We still live in the nature of myth. From the mystifying question the ability Mak eliot, how to facilitate the provision. However, myths are the most difficult is the trust as a cause for miscarriage, which contain the mother. Myth is sometimes not so reasonable, but very reliable. Weird, yes?

You may have heard, pregnant women are forbidden to see people die. These are to make their children because of miscarriage "asked" who died the same night. Weird huh? But it's a trust, trusted and believed.

One of the four pregnant women at risk of experiencing miscarriage, medical experts note that, so it should not sepelekan risk of miscarriage, especially if this your first pregnancy. Every pregnant woman can minimize the risk of miscarriage, one with various pencetusnya avoid. This was the explanation ten myths about abortion. Based on interviews Dr Dedi Arman Siabi from RS Hermina Bekasi, we sarikan tabloids from the mother-child.

Sex. ''Suggest pregnant women are not sexual intercourse at 12 the first week of her pregnancy'', so many doctors advice content. In fact, there is no medical research to prove that sexual intercourse causes miscarriage. So as long as it is not painful and not to cause inconvenience, please only.

Sports. Exercise regularly in the sports portion during pregnancy good enough for you and your baby. There is no risk of miscarriage, provided you are not too tired to do so. But should not start a new type of sport that you do not have the time before pregnancy.

Air travel.
There is no evidence that travel up the aircraft causing miscarriage, either the short or long trip.

Ultrasonografi examination.
Many mothers fear to undergo examination ultrasonografi - including checks for USG to mencek development of the fetus in the womb, because never heard USG can cause miscarriage. Actual inspection USG can not increase the risk of miscarriage, though indeed, a number of mothers who undergo the examination several times during her pregnancy USG had delivered babies lefty.

Sauna. A study of the 1970s linking sauna bath with a number of problem pregnancies, is the biggest risk of miscarriage. But research has not confirmed further. However, to prevent the fetus in the womb suffer from excess heat. Sauna bath should only be limited to 10 minutes, and should avoid water that is too hot.

Studies indicate if pregnant women drink more than six cups of coffee, tea or cola per day, eat a high risk of experiencing miscarriage. Therefore, the body naturally often sort themselves with the "decline" of coffee in the first weeks gestation.

X-rays. A one-time inspection by X-ray or X-Ray during pregnancy will not cause a miscarriage, cause problems in pregnancy, or harmful to the fetus. However, doctors usually very careful in the use of X-rays on pregnant women, and never merekomendasi a series of X-Ray therapy in pregnant women her pregnancy before the age of 8 weeks.

Using Computers. If the mother working with the computer, do not worry about radiation monitor screen cause miscarriage. Studies conducted intensive and detail has indicated there is no relationship between the use of the computer with a miscarriage or other problems of childbirth, even though you all day typing on the keyboard once it.

And the use of the microwave oven. Recently there are reports in the media that microwave radiation had the critical problems of pregnancy, but this report is not supported by scientific research. This confirms that there is no research to the electronics of similar objects in the vicinity of pregnant women who radiasinya cause miscarriage.

Dental pull. If you have patches of copper in the teeth you do not need to be pregnant while removing the fear of dangerous pregnancy. Patches of copper allocated teeth do not contain mercury, which if exposed to mercury in the body of the said amount with the risk of miscarriage. Medical experts also recommend that pregnant women do not change the type of teeth patches immediately.
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Obesity and Sex Harass fertility

Obesity (obesity) can cause various health disorder, among other sex and fertility problems. If you want to sexual issues is resolved soon, on your obesity. In addition to conventional, obesity can also be overcome with the shunt stomach operation.
Perhaps this is their weight that contributes most in making Farida not immediately pregnant
. It was said by Dr. Indra girl Mansur, DHES, Sp.And, from the Clinic SamMarie Jakarta, obesity can cause barriers (because of the influence of physical) in sexual contact.
"In the men's cumulation of excessive fat in the pubis region often causes the penis as if not prominent, more short and small, so that hinder the penetration," he said. With the circumstances, men with obesity tend to be passive act. This can affect the sexual relationship of husband and wife.
Low number of sperm
In addition to the influence of the physical, interference also occurs in the androgen metabolism associated with spermatogenesis.
According to Dr. Indra, "In men obesity, can also occur the amount of sperm produced is below normal. These can not be produced at all." In other words, obesity in men can hamper the function of hormone test.
The influence of infertility due to obesity occurs in both men and women. Research on the relationship between obesity and fertility have been conducted with the results of that support.
It is said by DR. Dr. Elvina Karyadi, MSc., Women usually experience obesity or chronic anovulatory do not menstruate regularly in chronic. "This affects fertility, in addition to hormonal factors, which also took effect," said the doctor nutrition experts from SEAMEO-TROPMED this UI.
Hormonal changes or changes in the reproductive system can occur due to fat women in obesity. "Fat that trigger the production of hormones, especially estrogen," explained Dr. Yanto Kadarusman, Sp.OG-KFER, fertility consultant from FKUI-RSCM Jakarta.
Normally, at the age of reproductive hormone estrogen candidates come from ovarium. In addition, or as producer GAMET ova, ovarium also play a role as the organ because endokrin produce hormones estrogen and progesteron. However, obesity in women, estrogen is not only derived from ovarium but also from the fat under the skin.
"Fat under skin that contain cholesterol and fat. This prekursor of estrogen," said Dr. Yanto. That is, estrogen, which came from outside the ovarium made quite a lot. Even from the ovarium own estrogen, which many have not yet formed.
This then causes the secretion luitenizing hormone (LH) before time. LH that out too quickly can cause the egg is not broken and does not inflame progesteron, so at a time siklusnya become disordered. This incident can be seen from the menstrual cycle is not regular, the number of menstrual out that quite a lot, and also a period longer.
Many grow Feather!
LH out too quickly that will stimulate hormone secretion progesteron and androgen. In the normal cycle, this is not a problem, because the hormone androgen is converted to estradiol.
In women, obesity, androgen out too quickly will not be changed to estradiol. Why? Because the hormone androgen that is not belted. "This will make the egg cells are not growing. As a result ovulasi not happen," Dr demolished. Yanto.
The high androgen hormones in women can be identified with the development of secondary sex. "Emergence mustache, hair growth, which many, and many acne. Metabolism carbohydrate that occurs will also be converted into fat, so people will be more fat," he said.
Another problem will also arise on obesity is insulin Resistance. What is the relationship with infertility? According to Dr. Yanto, which handles many cases infertilitas this, "Insulin is not able to enter the sugar properly to ovarium, because there reseptornya damaged .. Growth of egg cells is also not so good or even stops. This is called the ovarium polikistik."
In men, insulin Resistance this will hamper the development of sperm. When this happens, then people will be given insulin synthesizer. Reseptor insulinnya made more sensitive by using drugs.
Obesity can indeed become one of the factors that cause infertility. But of course many other factors that also affect the problem, factors such as sperm, egg channel, ovulasi, pelvic infection, infection of the vagina, organic aberration, and the ability to receive the cervix in sperm, Germany, and also endometriosis.
To prevent or overcome infertility, of course obesitasnya issues to be addressed first. The lower the weight and exercise.
DR added. Elvina, "Obesity can be dealt with a variety of ways. Combination of diet, exercise, and medication can be done, depending on how heavy obesitasnya."
When the incoming light degrees or overweight, according to DR. Elvina, a combination of diet and sports can be done with intensive supervision and strict. However, in cases of obesity and weight of some complications, disease broadcaster, is usually given medication to lower body weight.
The time needed to reach a normal weight can not be determined in general. "Depending on each case and the individual. However, the need to remember that the decrease in body weight is a safe 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week," he said. Decrease the weight too fast and too much in a short time, it is not recommended. @ Diana Yunita Sari
Establish the rhythm hunger ..!
Necessary motivation and discipline to make a strong program of diet. At least some suggestion from Dr. HR Rachmad Soegih, Sp.G., nutrition experts from Jakarta following FKUI can be input.

* Diet is rational and safe. The recommended diet is low calorie diet, adekuat, low-fat, balanced and emphasized on the menu selection of food from conventional diet easy to be done in time.
* Diet appropriate diagnosis and the patient's condition.
* Feed calories based on the daily habits, physical activity, age, and gender. Typically, the diet is to reduce the selected Feed about 500 calories per day, count calories Feed 900-1200 calories per day or the count Feed Feed habit of half a day-to-day.
* Feed protein about 15 percent of total calories, or about 0,8-1,2 g / kg body weight. Can also be adapted to the needs of the daily recommended (RDA) according to age. The amount can be slightly higher than demand.
* Needs of fat is 20 percent of total calories.
* Sufficient complex carbohydrate and high fiber more than 30 grams per day.
* Drinking water at least 2 liters per day. Mengekskresi mean for the rest of metabolism and quickly create a full stomach.
* Reduce the amount of food Feed so by creating a schedule. For those who rarely eat, the frequency is 4 times a day. Meanwhile, for the love ngemil, need to 5 times a day.
* Eat according to a schedule will establish a rhythm hunger. Hunger must occur at certain hours, so that the portion of the amount of food can be mastered.
* Replace the usual carbohydrate is consumed for breakfast with a group of protein. Protein longer stay in stomach and cause the feeling satisfied longer. Fruits and vegetables can be a variety of food, better than consume carbohydrate.

Stomach shunt, Options Last ..!
When the conventional method through diet, exercise and medication use the weight is not successful, then the operation can be carried out actions. This is the last action to overcome obesity.
According to Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD., which measures operating procedure is done gastroplasti vertical banded or understate shunt stomach and stomach. Diminution in the stomach, action operations to create a narrow side.
"The shunt in the stomach, created a small pouch at the top of the stomach and connected directly to the small intestine or yeyenum. So food only through a small stomach and directly to yeyenum," he says.
This operation is conducted with strict conditions. "This operation is only done on patients with a body mass index (IMT) 40, or more than 35, and accompanied by complications. This means that weight more than twice the ideal body weight," added Dr. Ari.
The advantage of this technique is a decrease in body weight drastically can be achieved more quickly. Only, this decrease depending on the technique of the operation. To gastropati technique, body weight decreased almost 40 percent in the first two years. While the technique shunt reduction in body weight can reach 60 percent in the same period.
Side effects such as operations and the occurrence of injuries in the leak could happen. Perioeratif even death may also occur, but the number is relatively small, about 1 percent. Other effects that can arise in the post-operation is a long-term lack of iron, calcium and vitamin B12. In addition to the various malabsorpsi (not good with teserapnya) vitamin.
This technique is not as popular in Indonesia. If any surgeon who digestif do, then he should have normal operation with this technique. That the operation needs to be action to reduce body weight is a serious handling. Each individual should understand the correct action. Patients and doctors should be careful on the benefits and risks are.
Reaction Post Production ...

* Nausea and vomiting often occur in the first month post-operation shunt stomach. It can occur after eating too fast, drink while eating, do not chew properly or eat more than the ability to bounce menahannya bag. It is advisable to learn eat slowly and chew properly. Nausea and vomiting can be triggered after consuming a new food. If this happens, give a few days before trying a new type of food again. To a doctor immediately if the frequency of vomiting become a problem.
* Dehydration should be skeptical, especially if vomiting or diarrhea occur many times. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking water isotonik low-calorie meals in between the time (when there is no food in the stomach). Please note that the stomach can only accommodate 3-4 oz at a time.
* Dumping syndrome occurs when food through too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine. This syndrome can include a combination of nausea, feeling full in the stomach that causes discomfort, stomach cramps, diarrhea, lethargic and weak, sweaty and a rapid heartbeat. This syndrome can also cause food from the sweet and berkadar sugar high.
* Intolerant of food, particularly red meat, milk, and high-fiber foods usually experienced by many patients. Since this varies in each individual, then the selection of food to be a good thing to minimize the symptoms of the election.

Almost all those who do have a shunt stomach problems with excess food. The causes are very complex, including genetic, emotional, including the functions of the brain. No change after the operation, except the size of the stomach is smaller than the original. Excessive eating with the size of the stomach can cause vomiting, stomach pouch dilation, adding weight even bursting stomach. Education, counseling, support from the people nearest and other treatments can help overcome the desire to eat the excess.
Another risk is sick stomach, intestine and ulcer.
That needs to be

* Stomach after the new operation can only accommodate 1 / 2 cup at a time.
* Eat small portions of food each day after the operation.
* Chewing food and slow overall.
* Avoid consuming chewing gum, because if swallowed can clog side streets.
* Do not eat excessive.
* Rilek and enjoy your new life.


* Most of the patients experienced a decrease in body weight quickly until 18-24 months after surgery procedures performed.
* Operating improve obesity cases with certain conditions. For example, in the research of sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes obesity to return to normal conditions after the operation. Still, there are some patients who are not blood sugar back to normal because of the influence of the age that ripen or develop diabetes for a long time.


* Ten of 20 percent of patients who do weight-loss surgery require further surgery to correct the complications that occur. Hernia is the most complications occur so that action needed further surgery. Complications occur rarely, including dividing lines and broaden channels of food out of the stomach.
* More than a third of patients do have a problem operating side gallstone. Gallstone is a cloud of cholesterol and also other forms of relief in the gall bladder. During a decrease in body weight that quickly, the risk of the emergence of gallstone increased. This condition can be prevented by the addition of bile salt during the first 6 months after the operation.
* About 30 percent of patients who undergo surgery to defisiensi nutrition so that arise anemia, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. It can be avoided by maintaining Feed vitamins and minerals.

Women who are still in the reproduction should avoid pregnancy until the weight stable. Decrease the weight quickly and the emergence of defisiensi can be dangerous to the development of the fetus.
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