7 Nov 2008

Obesity and Sex Harass fertility

Obesity (obesity) can cause various health disorder, among other sex and fertility problems. If you want to sexual issues is resolved soon, on your obesity. In addition to conventional, obesity can also be overcome with the shunt stomach operation.
Perhaps this is their weight that contributes most in making Farida not immediately pregnant
. It was said by Dr. Indra girl Mansur, DHES, Sp.And, from the Clinic SamMarie Jakarta, obesity can cause barriers (because of the influence of physical) in sexual contact.
"In the men's cumulation of excessive fat in the pubis region often causes the penis as if not prominent, more short and small, so that hinder the penetration," he said. With the circumstances, men with obesity tend to be passive act. This can affect the sexual relationship of husband and wife.
Low number of sperm
In addition to the influence of the physical, interference also occurs in the androgen metabolism associated with spermatogenesis.
According to Dr. Indra, "In men obesity, can also occur the amount of sperm produced is below normal. These can not be produced at all." In other words, obesity in men can hamper the function of hormone test.
The influence of infertility due to obesity occurs in both men and women. Research on the relationship between obesity and fertility have been conducted with the results of that support.
It is said by DR. Dr. Elvina Karyadi, MSc., Women usually experience obesity or chronic anovulatory do not menstruate regularly in chronic. "This affects fertility, in addition to hormonal factors, which also took effect," said the doctor nutrition experts from SEAMEO-TROPMED this UI.
Hormonal changes or changes in the reproductive system can occur due to fat women in obesity. "Fat that trigger the production of hormones, especially estrogen," explained Dr. Yanto Kadarusman, Sp.OG-KFER, fertility consultant from FKUI-RSCM Jakarta.
Normally, at the age of reproductive hormone estrogen candidates come from ovarium. In addition, or as producer GAMET ova, ovarium also play a role as the organ because endokrin produce hormones estrogen and progesteron. However, obesity in women, estrogen is not only derived from ovarium but also from the fat under the skin.
"Fat under skin that contain cholesterol and fat. This prekursor of estrogen," said Dr. Yanto. That is, estrogen, which came from outside the ovarium made quite a lot. Even from the ovarium own estrogen, which many have not yet formed.
This then causes the secretion luitenizing hormone (LH) before time. LH that out too quickly can cause the egg is not broken and does not inflame progesteron, so at a time siklusnya become disordered. This incident can be seen from the menstrual cycle is not regular, the number of menstrual out that quite a lot, and also a period longer.
Many grow Feather!
LH out too quickly that will stimulate hormone secretion progesteron and androgen. In the normal cycle, this is not a problem, because the hormone androgen is converted to estradiol.
In women, obesity, androgen out too quickly will not be changed to estradiol. Why? Because the hormone androgen that is not belted. "This will make the egg cells are not growing. As a result ovulasi not happen," Dr demolished. Yanto.
The high androgen hormones in women can be identified with the development of secondary sex. "Emergence mustache, hair growth, which many, and many acne. Metabolism carbohydrate that occurs will also be converted into fat, so people will be more fat," he said.
Another problem will also arise on obesity is insulin Resistance. What is the relationship with infertility? According to Dr. Yanto, which handles many cases infertilitas this, "Insulin is not able to enter the sugar properly to ovarium, because there reseptornya damaged .. Growth of egg cells is also not so good or even stops. This is called the ovarium polikistik."
In men, insulin Resistance this will hamper the development of sperm. When this happens, then people will be given insulin synthesizer. Reseptor insulinnya made more sensitive by using drugs.
Obesity can indeed become one of the factors that cause infertility. But of course many other factors that also affect the problem, factors such as sperm, egg channel, ovulasi, pelvic infection, infection of the vagina, organic aberration, and the ability to receive the cervix in sperm, Germany, and also endometriosis.
To prevent or overcome infertility, of course obesitasnya issues to be addressed first. The lower the weight and exercise.
DR added. Elvina, "Obesity can be dealt with a variety of ways. Combination of diet, exercise, and medication can be done, depending on how heavy obesitasnya."
When the incoming light degrees or overweight, according to DR. Elvina, a combination of diet and sports can be done with intensive supervision and strict. However, in cases of obesity and weight of some complications, disease broadcaster, is usually given medication to lower body weight.
The time needed to reach a normal weight can not be determined in general. "Depending on each case and the individual. However, the need to remember that the decrease in body weight is a safe 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week," he said. Decrease the weight too fast and too much in a short time, it is not recommended. @ Diana Yunita Sari
Establish the rhythm hunger ..!
Necessary motivation and discipline to make a strong program of diet. At least some suggestion from Dr. HR Rachmad Soegih, Sp.G., nutrition experts from Jakarta following FKUI can be input.

* Diet is rational and safe. The recommended diet is low calorie diet, adekuat, low-fat, balanced and emphasized on the menu selection of food from conventional diet easy to be done in time.
* Diet appropriate diagnosis and the patient's condition.
* Feed calories based on the daily habits, physical activity, age, and gender. Typically, the diet is to reduce the selected Feed about 500 calories per day, count calories Feed 900-1200 calories per day or the count Feed Feed habit of half a day-to-day.
* Feed protein about 15 percent of total calories, or about 0,8-1,2 g / kg body weight. Can also be adapted to the needs of the daily recommended (RDA) according to age. The amount can be slightly higher than demand.
* Needs of fat is 20 percent of total calories.
* Sufficient complex carbohydrate and high fiber more than 30 grams per day.
* Drinking water at least 2 liters per day. Mengekskresi mean for the rest of metabolism and quickly create a full stomach.
* Reduce the amount of food Feed so by creating a schedule. For those who rarely eat, the frequency is 4 times a day. Meanwhile, for the love ngemil, need to 5 times a day.
* Eat according to a schedule will establish a rhythm hunger. Hunger must occur at certain hours, so that the portion of the amount of food can be mastered.
* Replace the usual carbohydrate is consumed for breakfast with a group of protein. Protein longer stay in stomach and cause the feeling satisfied longer. Fruits and vegetables can be a variety of food, better than consume carbohydrate.

Stomach shunt, Options Last ..!
When the conventional method through diet, exercise and medication use the weight is not successful, then the operation can be carried out actions. This is the last action to overcome obesity.
According to Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD., which measures operating procedure is done gastroplasti vertical banded or understate shunt stomach and stomach. Diminution in the stomach, action operations to create a narrow side.
"The shunt in the stomach, created a small pouch at the top of the stomach and connected directly to the small intestine or yeyenum. So food only through a small stomach and directly to yeyenum," he says.
This operation is conducted with strict conditions. "This operation is only done on patients with a body mass index (IMT) 40, or more than 35, and accompanied by complications. This means that weight more than twice the ideal body weight," added Dr. Ari.
The advantage of this technique is a decrease in body weight drastically can be achieved more quickly. Only, this decrease depending on the technique of the operation. To gastropati technique, body weight decreased almost 40 percent in the first two years. While the technique shunt reduction in body weight can reach 60 percent in the same period.
Side effects such as operations and the occurrence of injuries in the leak could happen. Perioeratif even death may also occur, but the number is relatively small, about 1 percent. Other effects that can arise in the post-operation is a long-term lack of iron, calcium and vitamin B12. In addition to the various malabsorpsi (not good with teserapnya) vitamin.
This technique is not as popular in Indonesia. If any surgeon who digestif do, then he should have normal operation with this technique. That the operation needs to be action to reduce body weight is a serious handling. Each individual should understand the correct action. Patients and doctors should be careful on the benefits and risks are.
Reaction Post Production ...

* Nausea and vomiting often occur in the first month post-operation shunt stomach. It can occur after eating too fast, drink while eating, do not chew properly or eat more than the ability to bounce menahannya bag. It is advisable to learn eat slowly and chew properly. Nausea and vomiting can be triggered after consuming a new food. If this happens, give a few days before trying a new type of food again. To a doctor immediately if the frequency of vomiting become a problem.
* Dehydration should be skeptical, especially if vomiting or diarrhea occur many times. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking water isotonik low-calorie meals in between the time (when there is no food in the stomach). Please note that the stomach can only accommodate 3-4 oz at a time.
* Dumping syndrome occurs when food through too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine. This syndrome can include a combination of nausea, feeling full in the stomach that causes discomfort, stomach cramps, diarrhea, lethargic and weak, sweaty and a rapid heartbeat. This syndrome can also cause food from the sweet and berkadar sugar high.
* Intolerant of food, particularly red meat, milk, and high-fiber foods usually experienced by many patients. Since this varies in each individual, then the selection of food to be a good thing to minimize the symptoms of the election.

Almost all those who do have a shunt stomach problems with excess food. The causes are very complex, including genetic, emotional, including the functions of the brain. No change after the operation, except the size of the stomach is smaller than the original. Excessive eating with the size of the stomach can cause vomiting, stomach pouch dilation, adding weight even bursting stomach. Education, counseling, support from the people nearest and other treatments can help overcome the desire to eat the excess.
Another risk is sick stomach, intestine and ulcer.
That needs to be

* Stomach after the new operation can only accommodate 1 / 2 cup at a time.
* Eat small portions of food each day after the operation.
* Chewing food and slow overall.
* Avoid consuming chewing gum, because if swallowed can clog side streets.
* Do not eat excessive.
* Rilek and enjoy your new life.


* Most of the patients experienced a decrease in body weight quickly until 18-24 months after surgery procedures performed.
* Operating improve obesity cases with certain conditions. For example, in the research of sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes obesity to return to normal conditions after the operation. Still, there are some patients who are not blood sugar back to normal because of the influence of the age that ripen or develop diabetes for a long time.


* Ten of 20 percent of patients who do weight-loss surgery require further surgery to correct the complications that occur. Hernia is the most complications occur so that action needed further surgery. Complications occur rarely, including dividing lines and broaden channels of food out of the stomach.
* More than a third of patients do have a problem operating side gallstone. Gallstone is a cloud of cholesterol and also other forms of relief in the gall bladder. During a decrease in body weight that quickly, the risk of the emergence of gallstone increased. This condition can be prevented by the addition of bile salt during the first 6 months after the operation.
* About 30 percent of patients who undergo surgery to defisiensi nutrition so that arise anemia, osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. It can be avoided by maintaining Feed vitamins and minerals.

Women who are still in the reproduction should avoid pregnancy until the weight stable. Decrease the weight quickly and the emergence of defisiensi can be dangerous to the development of the fetus.

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