7 Nov 2008

Efforts to Prevent Disabled Bawaan in Janin

Lack of vitamin B particularly folat failure can cause the formation of the canal brain (neural Tube defects / NTD) in the fetus. Suplementasi acid folat - synthetic form of natural folat - and a number of other vitamins can prevent a number of congenital defects, including NTD.

This is discussed in the discussions about prevention of congenital aberration in the fetus held Obstetri society and gynecology Indonesia (POGI), Monday (25 / 3). In the event of Prof. Andrew E Czeizel DSC PhD from the Faculty of Genetics, University of Sciences, explained that the Hungarian the results of research.

Czeizel comparing the use of supplements and multi-mineral that consists of 12 vitamins, including folat acids, minerals and three of the four elements with micro-micro element supplements (three minerals plus vitamin C) in 4156 and 3713 the pregnancy the baby is evaluated until the age of eight months in Hungary.

"Suplementasi multi before pregnancy to the first trimester can reduce incidents NTD and other congenital defects such as cardiovascular malformasi, sumbatan channel urine, members of the body is not perfect, and so forth. Gen. fetal defects in the lower they get the supplements compared to the multi only get a supplement micro-elements , "Czeizel said.

NTD is meant, among other aliases anencephaly is not the formation of part or all of the brain and the head of the baby, spina bifida or imperfection unveil spinal cord that can cause paralysis.

Folat very important as the establishment of Coenzyme purin and pirimidin needed in nukleat acid synthesis. All that is required in cell division. Because of very rapid cell division in the early phase of embryo formation, the lack of folat acid can be a risk factor of the occurrence of congenital defects.

Folat acid is not the only active component in the prevention of congenital defects. There is interaction between the acid folat with vitamins B6, B12, C and zinc metabolism in point. "Folat acid with vitamins B6 and B 12 is needed to counteract the effects of poison homosistein, a product of protein metabolism," explained Czeizel.

According Czeizel, there are three ways to get adequate vitamins, which are eating more vegetables, fruits and grains, swallowing supplements or eating foods multi that difortifikasi.

No data

NTD into the extent of the problem in Indonesia? According to dr Noyorono Wibowo SpOG Obstetri from the Faculty of Medical and gynecology at the University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (FKUI / RSCM), which also became speaker, there has been no data on it.

Noyorono also stressed the importance of adequate nutrition and oxygen balance in pregnancy, especially Feed the calories, protein and some vitamins such as vitamin D, E, C, B complex, especially folat, as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron and iodine.

In addition to prevent NTD, acid folat able to prevent anemia. Needs acid folat pregnant at the time about 1 mg per day. A research proves that the consumption of many vegetables in the long term and ensure the adequacy of vitamin B12 needs folat acid during pregnancy.

Needs iron increased in the period of pregnancy because of the increased volume of blood, to meet the needs of the fetus and the anticipated loss of blood in childbirth. However Noyorono need to remind careful to give iron supplements because in many bearer talasemia nature.

Suplementasi iodine is needed to prevent mental disturbances in the fetus, calcium is needed to reduce the incidence of hypertension and preeklampsia and the baby can prevent low birth weight and fetal death.

"Nutrition interventions that are proven effective suplementasi iron, folat acid, iodine, calcium and protein and energy balance. Suplementasi While the benefits of vitamin A and zinc in need pregnancy is confirmed with more research," said Noyorono.

Adequacy for vitamins and minerals, Noyorono suggest to get from natural sources with the changing pattern of eating junk food eating patterns to become more healthy, that is consume more vegetables, fruits, nuts and products such as tofu and tempeh.

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